Model 231 and ODV

Through the adoption of Model 231, Datrix S.p.A. intends to:
  • promote a corporate culture oriented towards ethics, fairness, transparency and compliance with the rules
  • highlight any risk profiles and take all necessary initiatives - through appropriate action - in order to prevent unlawful conduct of any kind in the performance of its activities
  • enhance the internal control structures and tools
  • prevent the commission or attempted commission of the predicate offences referred to in the Decree, exempting the Company from the relevant liability
The Organisational Model represents a coherent system of principles, procedures and provisions that - by harmonising with the procedures and provisions adopted by the Company - affect the internal functioning of Datrix and the ways in which it relates to third parties and the Public Authority.

Model 231 is subject to periodic updating, in consideration of any organisational and/or regulatory changes in line with best practices and industry standards.

The Code of Ethics is an integral part of Model 231 and constitutes its essential foundation for the definition of a culture marked by ethics and corporate transparency.

The Board of Directors of Datrix S.p.A. appointed Mr. Alessandro Pennisi as single-member Supervisory Board.